100 days in office: DA leads in oversight, holds GPG accountable

Issued by Solly Msimanga MPL – Official Leader of the Opposition- Gauteng
30 Sep 2024 in Press Statements

Since taking office in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) over 100 days ago, the Democratic Alliance (DA) has been working tirelessly to ensure our residents get the service delivery they deserve through its oversight responsibility.

As the official opposition in the GPL, our job is to hold the Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG) accountable for service delivery and how every rand is spent for the benefit of the residents.

The GPL offers several mechanisms for political parties to execute its mandate, which the DA is using. To date, the DA has done the following in the GPL:

  • Questions asked: 291
  • Member Statements: 9
  • PAIA Applications: 3
  • Media Statements Issued: 75

See the table below:

Political parties Questions asked Member statements delivered
DA 291 9
EFF 8 2
ANC 7 11
Action SA 1
MK 1
Total 307 23

The DA has asked the most questions in the GPL compared to the other political parties. Asking questions is critical in our oversight function as an opposition party to ascertain when services will be rendered, which helps to hold the current government to account. Attending committee meetings and sittings of the GPL, using the opportunities to ask questions and deliver member statements allows us to highlight the service delivery needs of our residents in this province. We use media statements to expose corruption, and poor service delivery, enforce accountability, and pressure this government to deliver on its mandate.

Furthermore, the DA has attended all portfolio oversight committee meetings held by the GPL. This highlights our commitment to ensuring that the executives are held to account.

The DA believes that for the GPG to provide the services the residents need, oversight must take place. Where required, pressure must be put on the administration to account for how provincial coffers are spent and speed up service delivery.

We will remain a robust opposition and outshine all the political parties presented in the GPL. This is part of our mission of rescuing Gauteng residents from poor service delivery, corruption, maladministration, crime, and poverty while on the opposition benches.