Gauteng learners’ safety at risk as over 95% of teachers are not vetted against Child Protection Register

Issued by Michael Waters MPL – DA Gauteng Spokesperson for Education
09 Sep 2024 in Press Statements

Note to Editors: Please find an English soundbite from Michael Waters MPL here

The safety of learners in our schools is under threat as only 4.5%, or 3750 teachers in Gauteng, out of 83,828, have been vetted against the Child Protection Register (CPR), as revealed by the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) MEC, Matome Chiloane.

Section 120(4) of the Children’s Act requires that when a person is convicted in criminal proceedings for murder, attempted murder, rape, indecent assault, or assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm to a child, the person should be found unsuitable to work with children and their name added to the Child Protection Register.

Part B of the CPR refers to having a record of persons who are unsuitable to work with children and to use the information in the register to protect children in general against abuse from these persons.

It is unacceptable that the GDE has chosen to ignore this vital legislation specifically intended to protect children.

The fact that the GDE concedes that 3750 teachers have been vetted indicates that they are fully aware of the Children’s Act and their obligations to protect children. Yet, they have chosen to abdicate this responsibility by failing to vet over 95% of the teachers in our schools.

This is unacceptable in a society where children are at the whims of abusers.

The DA will be writing to the Chairperson of the Education Portfolio Committee requesting that the GDE be called before the Portfolio Committee as a matter of urgency to account for their lack of action, as the current situation is untenable.

A DA government is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our children. This means rigorously vetting those entrusted with educating and nurturing them.

Parents and guardians in Gauteng deserve to have peace of mind knowing their children are not under the watch of those who can potentially harm them.