Gauteng Sports Dept underspends by R856 million while failing to maintain heritage monuments

Issued by Leanne De Jager MPL – DA Gauteng Spokesperson for Sport Arts Culture Recreation (SACR)
12 Sep 2024 in Press Statements

Note to Editors: Please find an English sounbite from Leanne De Jager MPL here

The Gauteng Department of Sports, Arts, Culture, and Recreation (SACR) underspent by R856 million between 2019 and 2024, neglecting to invest the money in fixing our crumbling and partially functional heritage sites across the province.

These millions of rands could have been used to restore our heritage sites, such as Walter Sisulu Square, which is in a derelict state despite its potential to create economic opportunities for the residents.

This information was revealed by the Gauteng MEC for SACR, Matome Chiloane, in a written reply to the Democratic Alliance’s (DA) questions tabled in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL).

See the reply here.

This huge underspending strongly indicates the department’s failure to allocate funds wisely to its primary programmes, which consist of Administration, Cultural Affairs, Library and Archives Services, and Sport and Recreation, despite the necessity to do so.

It also serves as a damning indictment of the department’s inadequate planning and financial management system.

Furthermore, it is concerning that underspending occurred under the watch of two separate MECs. This indicates a recurring issue that requires immediate attention and resolution.

MEC Chiloane must not continue with business as usual. He must take all necessary measures to end the unjustifiable under expenditure. The DA demands that he hold accounting officers accountable and tackle financial mismanagement.

Drawing on our expertise in achieving budget targets, the DA would implement financial controls and ensure consequence management for underutilised budgets in this department.

The DA will continue to pressure MEC Chiloane to ensure that his department effectively and responsibly spends its allocated budget for the betterment of Gauteng residents