DA questions R140 million spent on illegally occupied land

Issued by Michael Crichton – DA Johannesburg Spokesperson for Rea Vaya
17 Sep 2024 in Press Statements

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Johannesburg expresses grave concern over the current state of the Alexandra Bus Depot that was meant to be utilised for the Rea Vaya Phase 1C route.

During an oversight visit by the Section 79 Committee on Monday, 2 September 2024, the officials confirmed that nearly 50% of the land allocated for the Depot has been taken over by an informal settlement.

There are only two parcels left of this land which have not been invaded yet, to make matters worse, the City spent an exorbitant R140 million on upgrading the land.

However, the available land appears to be too small to house a fully-fledged bus, Depot. It would also be a safety risk to have informal dwellings so close to a site that houses and moves heavy machinery whilst dealing with flammable substances like petrol and diesel.

It is clear that the City is going to have to now look at purchasing or finding an alternative site for the planned bus Depot whilst simultaneously taking into account the R140 million already spent a new plan has to be made for the utilisation of the land that is left.

It is shocking that the City failed to put security measures in place to prevent land grabbing. We demand that those responsible for this serious lapse in oversight and management be held accountable.

The DA will continue to raise this matter in the Section 79 Transport Committee.