DA lays criminal charges against the ANC in Gauteng

Issued by Haseena Ismail MP – Benoni Constituency Head and By-Election Manager
12 Feb 2024 in Press Statements

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Gauteng has laid criminal charges against the ANC in Gauteng, following their malicious removal of DA by-election posters Thursday, 8 February 2024, in Ekurhuleni.

Our country’s democracy relies on political tolerance, and this shows the ANC’s desperation as they ready themselves to lose Gauteng.

We now see what the true state of the ANC is – one that is scared. Scared enough to break the law, scared enough to go against the rules set to ensure that our elections are free and fair. We will not accept that.

Gauteng is entering a critical election. We cannot find ourselves in a situation where political parties do not respect the rule of law, especially as it pertains to campaigning.

A case has been opened with the South African Police Service (SAPS) relating to the contravention of the Electoral Act, specifically sections 91(1)(b) and 92, in conjunction with section 98.

Damage of election posters is a criminal offence that can attract a major fine, or jail time for each poster that is damaged or removed.

The DA calls for civility, and respect for private property. The destruction of our private property will be met with the full force of the law. We further call on the South African Police Service to investigate this matter swiftly, to ensure those who make themselves guilty of infringement of the Electoral Act are made examples of, before the election date is proclaimed.