DA Gauteng to dissect province’s water crisis

Issued by DA Media –
22 Oct 2024 in Media Advisory

Tonight, 22 October 2024, Solly Msimanga MPL, Leader of the Democratic Alliance (DA) in Gauteng, alongside Nico de Jager MPL, the DA Shadow MEC for Infrastructure Development will dissect and discuss Gauteng’s Water Crisis during a live broadcast.

At the very heart of Gauteng’s water crisis is a leadership vacuum, and the absence of an infrastructure master plan. Infrastructure master plans are supposed to guide the development and implementation of various projects and guide initiatives to ensure service delivery and infrastructure upgrades.

Gauteng is devoid of one.

Tonight, as part of the DA Gauteng’s #NoDryTapsGauteng campaign, the DA will clearly lay out the problem the province faces, and how we can start to work towards a shared goal of water in every single taps.

Members of the media are invited to watch, and engage with the two panelists as per the details below:

Date: 22 October 2024

Time: 17:00

Link: https://www.facebook.com/share/EzZxKfiVUQZPcsif/