Note to Editors: Please find an English soundbite by Cllr Lucky Dinake here
The Democratic Alliance (DA) as the Official Opposition in the City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) has tabled a motion of no confidence in the EFF Speaker of Council, Cllr. Nthabiseng Tshivenga.
On more than one occasion, Cllr. Tshivenga has allowed council to degenerate into chaos.
She has neglected her duty to act as an impartial custodian of the City Council and has deliberately failed to adhere to legislation that governs council proceedings.
As the custodian of Council, she has allowed violence to ride roughshod over democracy — as highlighted by the recent Ethics Committee finding which found her, and several of her EFF colleagues, guilty of violating the Councillors Code of Conduct when they physically assaulted DA councillors during a council sitting.
She was derelict in her duties by refusing to place the crucial election of Finance Chairperson on the Council agenda within the legislated timeframe, ultimately jeopardising the financial stability of the City.
Recent allegations of malfeasance, graft and potential fraud in her office only add weight to the argument that she should be removed from office.
She has brought the office of the speaker into disrepute, and severely damaged public confidence in the integrity of the municipal governance of the City of Ekurhuleni.
Actions taken in council have real world implications.
Councillor Tshivenga’s repeated non-compliance with Council resolutions exposes her disdain for the lives of the people of Ekurhuleni who suffer from rapidly deteriorating service delivery.
The DA will not allow council to be denigrated by an individual who is very clearly not fit to occupy such an important role.
In doing so, we would be doing a disservice to the people of Ekurhuleni whose interests are of paramount importance.