Johannesburg must take note of who voted against saving the City

Issued by Cllr Belinda Kayser-Echeozonjoku – DA Johannesburg Caucus Leader
30 Nov 2023 in Press Statements

The Democratic Alliance’s motion to dissolve its Municipal Council was debated today and defeated. We have campaigned for months, and we have asked other parties to vote with their consciences.

Unfortunately, the DA could not rely on other parties in the council who voted in their own interests, instead of the residents’ interest.

The past year has been filled with the ANC/EFF Doomsday Coalition’s failures. They have wasted billions of rands while driving service delivery into the ground with cadre deployment.

The failure to Dissolve Johannesburg’s Council means that our colleagues in Council across the political spectrum, are comfortable with the hapless executives who place an emphasis on their self-serving goals, while ignoring the needs of the residents they are meant to serve.

Councillors have today, voted for their jobs and personal comfort above that of our residents. Thousands of residents have signed our petition, and similarly, hundreds of thousands would have had the opportunity to vote again.

The City of Gold is now experiencing first-hand, just how bad the situation can get at the hands of the Doomsday Coalition.

Rescuing the city is now more difficult than ever, but we will not be stopped.

We maintain our stance; the residents of Johannesburg deserve the best quality service delivery possible. The DA in Johannesburg will continue to strive for what you deserve.