Corruption in SAPS affects its ability to address gang violence in GP

Issued by John Moodey MPL – DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Community Safety
28 Jul 2019 in Press Statements

A report released by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime has found that corruption and inefficient policing is negatively impacting on strategies to deal with gang violence.

The study, Ending the Cycles of Violence conducted by the Geneva-based organisation, focused on two areas in Gauteng affected by gang violence namely Westbury and Eldorado Park.

Furthermore, the report also found that it will not matter what strategy the South African Police Service (SAPS) implements as it will only be effective if the issue of corruption is addressed within the police service.

Residents no longer feel safe in their homes and on the streets and do not believe that the police are able to deal with crime especially in areas that are riddled by gang violence.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) has always maintained that the only way to ensure that crime is dealt with effectively in Gauteng is by having an honest and professional police service.

We will continue to call for more specialised gang units in the province.

The DA will continue to lobby for a professional, corruption-free and honest police service that puts the needs of our residents first.