The Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG) has only recovered 2.34% of the value of assets lost through financial misconduct and economic crimes against a target of 15%. This is because the government departments are not utilising the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) to facilitate the recovery of lost funds through the Special Tribunal at the Special Investigating Unit (SIU).
Gauteng is losing millions of rands to corrupt activities that could have been used to provide better services to the province’s residents.
This information was revealed in the annual report of the Office of the Premier for the 2023/24 financial year.
Failure by the GPG to properly utilise AFU to recover money lost to corruption and economic crimes in the province demonstrates an uncaring government that is not committed to uprooting corruption.
Furthermore, this indicates a lack of consequence management by the GPG. The only way to deter corruption and economic crimes from taking place is by ensuring that officials are held to account not only through disciplinary action but also by recovering the money lost.
The mandate of the AFU is to seize assets or proceeds deemed to be the gains of criminal activity. This will send a strong message that the government has a zero-tolerance approach to corruption and economic crime.
In addition, the fraud detection report has not yet been concluded, which is meant to assist the provincial government in clamping down on corruption.
The Democratic Alliance (DA) will table questions in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) to determine measures being put in place to ensure that any proceeds of corrupt activity are seized by AFU.
A DA government will ensure that when officials are found guilty of corruption, the AFU immediately seizes either the money or the assets bought with the proceeds of their criminal activity.