Gauteng Legislature attempts to hide the truth regarding corruption scandals 

Issued by Solly Msimanga MPL – Official Leader of the Opposition- Gauteng  
25 Sep 2024 in Press Statements

The Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) continues to hide the truth regarding the corruption scandals that occurred under the watch of the former Speaker, Ntombi Mekgwe.

Mekgwe, the Deputy Speaker, Nomvuyo Mhlakaza-Manamela, and the ANC Chief Whip, Lesego Makhubela, are implicated in corruption and interference with the disciplinary process involving 32 employees and two MPLs.

This resulted in the sudden resignation of the former secretary, Peter Skosana. While they may not have fired him, we tend to question exactly why millions of rands have been paid to him for the remainder of his term. We believe that he was pushed when he discovered the fraud that was taking place at the legislature.

The internal disciplinary processes for 32 employees should have been followed before sourcing an external company to conduct investigations. However, political interference by these three MPLs affected the investigation, and we do believe this could be the reason why an external service provider was sourced to deal with this matter.

Furthermore, Mhlakaza-Manamela and Makhubela were paid stipends for trips they did not take and should have paid back the money immediately.  They are only willing to pay back the money because they have been exposed. The question is, what would’ve happened if they weren’t elected back as members of the legislature after the May 2024 national and provincial elections? Would we have recovered the money, and how? They should have done the honourable thing and paid back the money immediately when it became clear that they would not be travelling overseas.

It is unacceptable that we have MPLs representing the people of Gauteng who have defrauded the taxpayers and continue to receive a salary.

The DA has reported these three MPLs to the integrity commissioner at the GPL. No public institution should be used to protect corrupt officials. No political party should interfere with any disciplinary process that is undertaken when MPLs or employees are implicated in corrupt activities.