CoJ fails to consult pensioners on new swimming pool entrance fees

Issued by Cllr Lyrics Mazibuko – DA Johannesburg Shadow MMC for Community Development
05 Sep 2024 in Press Statements

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Johannesburg is outraged by the City’s decision to hike entrance fees for pensioners at some swimming pools this Spring. It’s appalling that the City is targeting the most vulnerable members of our society—those who rely on social grants and pensioner discounts to survive.

In a shocking move, the City released a schedule of charges, revealing that facilities that previously offered free entry for residents over 63 will now impose a 50% discounted fee for pensioners, based on the adult price. Pools like Zoo Lake, Linden, and Paterson Park in Norwood are among those affected.

After Monday’s price increase, adults will now pay R20 for entry, while will pay half that amount. Non-heated pools will cost R10 per day or R160.50 for a season ticket, while heated pools, like Linden, will now charge pensioners R12.50 per day or R235 for a season pass.

Residents, especially in Norwood, were blindsided by this fee when they attempted to enter Paterson Park on Sunday. They rightly questioned how such a critical decision could have been made without proper notice.

This begs the question: was the City’s public participation process even remotely effective? How can the most affected group—pensioners—be left in the dark about changes that directly impact their lives?

The City’s public participation efforts are clearly failing. Just like with the electricity surcharges, most residents aren’t given the chance to voice their concerns or fight increases. The increased charges are a form of exclusion and it goes against the mandate of the Community Development Department which is to give public access to places they may not have access too. It should not be turned into a revenue collection department.

Meanwhile, pensioners already grappling with skyrocketing costs in every aspect of life, are told to apply for indigent status, as if this approach is a solution. For those who can’t meet these fees, this is nothing short of a betrayal.

The DA will continue to fight for the vulnerable pensioners who can’t afford the new charges.