DA demands a forensic investigation into the dealings of Gauteng Partnership Fund

Issued by Mervyn Cirota MPL – DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Human Settlements
10 Jun 2024 in Press Statements

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Gauteng once again demands an immediate and urgent independent forensic investigation into the dealings of the Gauteng Partnership Fund (GPF) from the beginning of Deputy President Paul Mashatile’s tenure as MEC of Human Settlements in Gauteng to date.

According to media reports, the GPF’s board was appointed in an untransparent manner, and questionable payments were made to a law firm linked to the Deputy President. Questions have also been raised regarding the board’s fees.

Furthermore, the media report indicates that there were failures when raising funds without scrutiny as mandated by the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and alleged payments to a firm of attorneys to the tune of R8 million without a contract in place. There has also been allegations of substantial involvement by the attorneys in the initiation and rolling out of the Mega Housing Projects programme in the province.

These allegations follow allegations of irregular loans made by the GPF last year to the Deputy President’s son-in-law.

The DA further demands that the new 7th Gauteng administration request the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to conduct an intensive investigation into the mechanisms of the fund and its financial dealings since 2017.

The GPF continues to be mired in controversy and allegations of misconduct in its dealings. It is time for openness and transparency, for all its transgressions to be exposed, and for prosecutions to be brought where applicable.