Unpacking five-year successes: DA Gauteng Caucus outshines all parties in the Legislature

Issued by DA Media –
13 May 2024 in Press Statements

Tomorrow, Tuesday 14 May 2024, the Democratic Alliance (DA) Gauteng Premier Candidate Solly Msimanga MPL, DA Gauteng caucus Chief Whip Fred Nel MPL, along with the DA Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) Caucus members, will outline the successes they have achieved over the last five years as the official opposition in the province.

The DA has outshined all the parties represented in the GPL as the best-performing opposition in its role to hold the ANC Premier and his executives accountable for failing to deliver services to our residents.

Unlike other opposition parties, we have all our members present in all the GPL committees, driving issues and working hard to ensure that Gauteng residents get the services they deserve.

We have been at the forefront of exposing corruption, maladministration, and incompetency within all government departments. We fought for the scrapping of the e-tolls, and finally, they were scrapped. We exposed PPE corruption, and we continue to fight for the compensation of the victims of the Life Esidimeni tragedy and for the resourcing of many understaffed and resourced police stations to ensure residents’ safety.

Over the last five years, the DA has asked 8026 questions for oral and written replies to the current Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG), which makes us the number one opposition party and shows that we are ready to rescue Gauteng from the ANC government. The DA will unpack all our successes and hand over the success document to the media, which will demonstrate our readiness to govern the province.

The media is invited and there will be an opportunity for interviews and photographs.

Details of the event are as follows:

Date: 14 May 2024

Venue: Gauteng Provincial Legislature, 3rd Floor

Address: 43 Rissik Street, Johannesburg CBD

Time: 10:30