Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi has once again misled the residents and prospective crime prevention wardens about their employment status. During his State of the Province Address (SOPA), he announced that over 6000 crime prevention wardens who have been trained are now permanently employed.
However, during his oral response to the Democratic Alliance‘s (DA) questions in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature today, he stated that for the crime prevention wardens to be employed permanently, they needed to undergo further training to become peace officers.
This indicates that the Premier is aware that the training received by the crime prevention wardens did not meet the requirements for them to become peace officers and be permanently employed.
Furthermore, he stated that they are engaging with the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) to ascertain where the crime prevention wardens fit into the organogram of the Gauteng Department of Community Safety.
Premier Lesufi is using crime prevention wardens to score political points ahead of the elections next month.
This was reckless, and the announcement should not have been made until all the details were finalised with the DPSA and they had received all the necessary training.
This has given false hope to the crime prevention wardens, and the Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG) has no choice but to ensure that the criteria are fulfilled, and the crime wardens are employed permanently, as set out by the National Department of Justice and the National Department of Police.
It is also worrying that this new programme announced by the Premier does not seem to form any part of the provincial crime prevention strategy. It appears as if the Premier is hoping that having a large number of feet on the ground, will help to fight crime which is not the case.
During our many oversight inspections of communities ravaged by crime, we have seen that the crime prevention wardens are not doing much to curb crime. The Okae Molao programme by the Gauteng Department of Community Safety has also not made much of an impact. We need a proper crime prevention plan to clamp down on crime.
A DA government has a plan to rescue Gauteng from the jaws of crime. We will replicate the LEAP programme in the Western Cape, which has seen huge inroads in reducing crime.