Gauteng hospital phone bills still not paid

Issued by Jack Bloom MPL – DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Health
19 Mar 2024 in Press Statements

Telephones at many Gauteng hospitals are still not working three weeks after the Gauteng Health Department admitted they were down because of unpaid Telkom bills.

This phone crisis has been going on for more than five weeks, causing immense distress as patients and their relatives cannot contact hospitals, and staff have to use their own phones for essential communication.

According to the Department, 32 hospitals and 83 clinics were affected.

They claim this is due to disputed Telkom bills, but surely it should have been sorted out by now.

I suspect they have simply run out of money towards the end of the financial year on 31 March. An astounding R2.275 billion overspend is projected despite not meeting key targets, including poor ambulance response times and low child immunisation.

Here is one complaint I have received:

“We have a son in Weskoppies hospital in Pretoria and I would just like to let u know that their Telephone Lines have not worked for over a month. We were given a cell phone number of the ward he is in but it goes unanswered. We went there yesterday to visit him as we do every week and the cellphone they have in the ward doesn’t work. I think for families with family members at any of these facilities it’s a grave concern as there is no communication whatsoever.”

Major hospitals like Charlotte Maxeke and Steve Biko are also affected.

This department can’t get simple things right, like paying bills on time, never mind running a decent ambulance service and immunising all children.

It remains mired in crisis because of gross mismanagement, despite all the promises for improvement.

The DA has a rescue plan to fix this department to save lives and alleviate the suffering of sick and injured people.