DA versus Joburg’s Doomsday Coalition in court today

Issued by Cllr Belinda Kayser-Echeozonjoku – DA Johannesburg Caucus Leader
07 Feb 2024 in Press Statements

The Democratic Alliance (DA) is back in the Johannesburg High Court today challenging the unlawful and unconstitutional, behind closed doors, reappointment of the City Manager, Mr Floyd Brink.

It is completely unacceptable that this contempt of court happens in a metro as prominent as the City of Johannesburg – these are the people in charge of the economic heart of South Africa. Yet, they took it upon themselves to reappoint him, despite the High Court ruling in November of 2023 that the original appointment was in fact unlawful, unconstitutional and set aside.

Instead of complying with the court order and advertising the position for a fair and transparent process, the ANC-EFF-PA-AL Jamaah  Doomsday Coalition would rather spend your rates on defending one individual at the expense of service delivery – Mr Floyd Brink

Service delivery is collapsing, just yesterday we were yet again inundated with calls that service providers have not been paid.

The DA in Johannesburg believes in the rule of law and good governance. We will never stand by and watch the residents of Joburg being disrespected in this manner.

We believe that the rule of law will be upheld today, despite attacks against the independence of the Judiciary by the City, we look forward to a ruling in this regard.