Today, Thursday, 7 December 2023, the Democratic Alliance’s (DA) Premier Candidate for Gauteng, Solly Msimanga MPL, DA Shadow Minister for Social Development, Bridget Masango MP, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Community Safety, Crezane Bosch MPL, and DA Gauteng Spokesperson for Community Safety, Ruhan Robinson MPL, will conduct an oversight inspection at the Gender-Based Violence Command Centre (GBVCC) in Tshwane.
This centre is facing controversy and operational challenges due to a contractual dispute between the Department of Social Development and Brilliant Telecommunication (Brilliantel). The service provider has not been paid, leading to unanswered calls and a staff shortage.
During our oversight inspection, we will engage with the management of this center to determine the measures being put in place to ensure proper functioning.
It is concerning that during the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children, this call centre is not fully operational. This means that victims of gender-based violence cannot access critical information and services offered by this call centre.
The media is invited, and there will be an opportunity for interviews and photographs.
Details of the Oversight are as Follows:
Date: 7 December 2023
Address: Gender-Based Violence Command Centre, 1 Skietpoort Ave, Salvokop, Pretoria