Cost of living and poverty on the rise while Premier Lesufi continues to focus on pipe dreams

Issued by DA Media –
05 Dec 2023 in Press Statements

Millions of Gauteng residents are living in poverty, and this has been made worse by Premier Lesufi’s government, which continues to sell false dreams to the most vulnerable despite its failure to deliver on core objectives.

Corruption is rampant, the cost of living has increased, made worse by the decimation of the poultry industry, and many of our residents are still living in abject poverty.

Unemployment in this province is still high, with over 2.5 million unemployed.

Furthermore, Gauteng learners are being taught in an environment that is not conducive, and they are not receiving adequate school uniforms and dignity packs.

To date, we still await 18 schools that were meant to be built in this financial year. Furthermore, thousands of young girls still go to school without the necessary provision of dignity packs because this government consistently fails to deliver due to supply chain management issues.

Corruption and incompetence persist across all departments in the province which is concerning.

As we head to the national and provincial elections in 2024, the DA urges the Premier not to use the wrong end of the telescope to give our residents false hope.

Empty promises will not become reality. Our people need dedicated leaders who will ensure access to quality education, social welfare services, create a conducive environment for the private sector to invest in our economy, and ensure food security.

Below are the speeches delivered during today’s Annual Report debate in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL):