Note to Editors: Please find a soundbite by Cllr Belinda Kayser-Echeozonjoku here
The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Johannesburg can confirm that we are taking the City back to court for the unlawful reappointment of Floyd Brink as City Manager.
Despite warning both the Speaker and the Executive that the matter of his reappointment is in contempt of an existing court order, they blatantly refused to withdraw the report and proceeded to reappoint him. They went further, and compounded the issue with unwarranted attacks on the judiciary.
We have warned on numerous occasions that both the executive-, and the legislative arm of council has failed our residents, and that the reappointment of Floyd Brink would only further exacerbate the issues the city faces.
The DA rejected the unlawful report with the contempt it deserves when it came to council, and we continue to oppose this reappointment. We will not stand for it.
The DA stands for the rule of law and will not be party to irregular, unlawful and unconstitutional decisions made in council by the ANC/EFF/PA Doomsday Coalition.