DA Tshwane Caucus Endorses Mayor Brink’s Pledge for Transparent Governance and Value-for-Money Service Delivery

Issued by Cllr Jacqui Uys – DA Tshwane Caucus Chair
25 May 2023 in Press Statements

The DA Tshwane caucus fully endorses the approach taken at last week’s State of the City Address (SOCA) by Executive Mayor Cilliers Brink and the Multi-Party Coalition government to put honesty and transparency front and centre of his government’s mission to deliver on the promise and values of the DA.

“Dreaming big, and imagining a better future, does not start with delusion. It starts with honesty.”

This line from Executive Mayor Brink’s SOCA brought home the integrity of his approach. We cannot duck the tough decisions if we are serious about getting our City back on track. Residents deserve substantive solutions to serious problems. Offering anything less will be a betrayal of the people of Tshwane.

Undergirding Executive Mayor Brink’s approach is the type of leadership he has shown from the start of his time in office: being on the ground where the problems are causing hardship, engaging with communities to inform, but also to listen, being accessible to Council colleagues irrespective party affiliation, and welcoming solutions from the whole of society.

The foundations are now in place for the decisive implementation of the Multi-Party Coalition’s governmental plans in Tshwane to add constructive deed to honest word. Short-termism is out. Solutions for sustainable growth and success are in.

This means getting the basics right: water, electricity, waste collection, sewage management, roads, public lighting, and safety and security. The track record of the DA on these fundamental services is by no means flawless, but stands as clear beacon of success in government across South Africa.

We have full confidence that Executive Mayor Brink will add to the DA’s successes as capable, compassionate, and anti-corruption party of government.

The offer of the DA and of the Executive Mayor in government is focused and clear:

  • Effective, efficient, and clean, anti-corruption governance;
  • Sustainable and reliable service delivery to all; and
  • Respect of public finances to achieve value-for-money outcomes for residents.

The DA Tshwane caucus stands firmly behind the Executive Mayor’s renewed commitment to a capital city that serves all its residents, regardless of race, language, political inclination, or place of residence. The principles of freedom, fairness, opportunity, and diversity are the cornerstone of our party. We welcome the clear influence of these DA values on the government led by Executive Mayor Brink.