Premier’s 4th Industrial Revolution Plan just a pipe dream

Issued by Solly Msimanga MPL – DA Gauteng Provincial Legislature Caucus Leader
05 Nov 2019 in Press Statements

Gauteng Premier David Makhura has no plan, timeline and no budget for his 4th Industrial Revolution Advisory Panel.

This was revealed to me by the MEC for Finance and e-Government, Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko.

During his State of the Province Address (SOPA) earlier this year, the Premier boldly announced that he will set up a panel to advise the provincial government on the digital revolution.

This advisory panel was to be set up within the first 100 days of the Premier being in office.

According the MEC, only a submission was made to the Premier on the panel and as yet no members have been appointed and there is no clear deadline as to when this advisory panel will be appointed and start its work.

The Premier and his executive are always talking about how the province needs to embrace technology in order to make Gauteng a hub of fourth industrial revolution skills, yet they are unable to establish an advisory panel that should give guidance in terms of preparing the country for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Ensuring that those who are unemployed, particularly the youth are equipped with skills is important as both business and government is embracing digital technology in their day-to-day work.

The DA will continue to put pressure on the government to ensure that the 4th Industrial Revolutionary Advisory Panel is established, so that this province will not be left behind in embracing the evolvement of technology across the globe.