128 000 more unemployed residents in Gauteng means Lesufi’s Nasi Ispani has failed

Issued by Mike Moriarty MPL – DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Economic Development
13 Aug 2024 in Press Statements

Premier Panyaza Lesufi’s plan to deal with unemployment in the province has failed. This is evident from the unemployment statistics released today.

There are 128 000 more unemployed residents compared to the first quarter of 2024.

According to the Quarterly Labour Force Survey for the second quarter of 2024, 2 756 000 Gauteng residents are unemployed, indicating an increase of 128 000 from the 2 628 000 unemployed residents in the first quarter of 2024.  The expanded unemployment rate, which includes discouraged work seekers and those categorised as not in employment, education or training (NEET), stands at a shocking 45.3%.

This confirms the failure of the Nasi Ispani programme which was just an attempt by Premier Lesufi to get votes during the general elections held earlier this year.

In order to create a conducive environment for job creation to take place, the current government must clamp down on crime and corruption, resolve the chronic water and electricity infrastructure crisis, and make investment in the economy worthwhile.

The government’s responsibility is not to employ people but to ensure a conducive environment that will boost investor confidence to enable the growth of Gauteng’s economy and the creation of sustainable jobs.

A DA government will ensure the Department of Economic Development has achievable and meaningful targets that will reduce red tape, rationalise state entities and forge strong partnerships with the private sector. Furthermore, we would put measures in place to clamp down on corruption within the government. This can be done by implementing and publishing lifestyle audits on all high-ranking officials and MECs. Good governance will attract investment, which will in turn create employment opportunities for the residents.

Gauteng residents deserve a government committed to ensuring that the economy grows and that private investors are confident to invest in the economy.