DA votes in Support of R2.5 billion loan following review

Issued by Cllr Belinda Kayser-Echeozonjoku – DA Johannesburg Caucus Leader
25 Jul 2024 in Press Statements

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Johannesburg notes that the loan item has once more been tabled, this time with all the requisite information for council to make an informed decision on the item.

We have been very clear that good governance is non-negotiable and it is for this reason that we requested more details to be made available to councillors to make an informed decision, it is however concerning that this information is only made available when some parties are negotiating for positions in exchange for support for the loan, as has been widely reported.

We note the city’s revenue enhancement efforts through the war room and also the monitoring that will be done by the Provincial Treasury on debt collection from Government departments and SOE’S who owe the City millions. This will greatly assist the City to honour its financial obligations under the strained circumstances.

Moreover, this is why we wrote to the Minister of Finance, National Treasury & COGTA to assist in monitoring that this loan is utilised for its intended purpose while also monitoring the debt collection from SOE’s closely.

In order for this loan to be used appropriately it will be imperative that the City ensures compliance to Regulation 36 of the Municipal Supply Management Service, more specifically to Regulation 36(1)(a)(v):

36. Deviation from, and ratification of minor breaches of, procurement processes

(1) A supply chain management policy may allow the accounting officer—

(a) to dispense with the official procurement processes established by the policy and to procure any required goods or services through any convenient process, which may include direct negotiations, but only—

(i) in an emergency;

(ii) if such goods or services are produced or available from a single provider only;

(iii) for the acquisition of special works of art or historical objects where specifications are difficult to compile;

(iv) acquisition of animals for zoos; or

(v)* in any other exceptional case where it is impractical or impossible to follow the official procurement processes;*

We urge the City to take the decisions to write off some debts owed to the City under review. There cannot be zero consequences for those who place the city in a more difficult position that it needs to be in.

The DA maintains that negotiating positions in exchange for support of loans or any items brought before council, like a surcharge write off is not in the best interest of the residents of Johannesburg. This council cannot claim to be an informed decision-making body, who holds residents’ best interests at heart, while playing cheap politics for positions.

We will be unforgiving in our continuous fight for residents while monitoring the city’s finances to ensure that money meant for the people is spent on the people – we will do all of this the right way.