DA demands a full investigation into the allegations of guns for hire by JMPD

Issued by Cllr Solomon Maila – DA Member of the Public Safety Committee in the City of Johannesburg
16 Jul 2024 in Press Statements

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in the City of Johannesburg is appalled to learn that the execution-style killing of Zenzele Benedict Sithole last week is allegedly linked to a “guns for hire” criminal syndicate operating within the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD).

Media reports over the weekend have revealed that Sithole, who was a senior investigator within the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality’s Group Forensics and Investigation Services (GFIS), was working on a case relating to allegations that certain members of the JMPD are availing weapons and ammunition, including automatic assault rifles, from the JMPD’s armoury to criminals involved in cash in transit robberies to commit these crimes across the country.

The DA has already requested the Chairperson of the Public Safety Portfolio Committee, Cllr Ian Nonkumbi to initiate a thorough investigation by the Committee into these serious allegations of complicity in acts of criminality by members of the JMPD.

It is evident that the rot goes deeper than anyone can imagine, in light of the serious allegations being made against members of the JMPD, we will write to the Hawks, to urgently intervene and bring those responsible for this heinous murder, as well as those subverting the rule of law within JMPD with their corrupt actions to book.

The DA will not allow a situation where members of the JMPD, which is established to ensure that crime is prevented, themselves become perpetrators of the most serious and violent crimes in the country. We will ensure that the Committee leaves no stone unturned in its investigation of the allegations of “guns for hire” in the JMPD and that Benedict Sithole’s death is not in vain.