Abandoned iconic Mamelodi Rondavels must be restored to preserve our heritage

Issued by Wildri Peach MPL – DA Gauteng Spokesperson for Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation (SACR)
29 Sep 2022 in Press Statements

The Mamelodi Rondavels are in a state of disrepair and not benefiting its residents because the Gauteng Department of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation (SCAR) has abandoned this facility despite having a massive budget for heritage sites.

Three years ago, 10 of the 14 rondavels on this site filled with the rich history of our education system were burnt down. The rondavels were built in the 1940s and are where some of our icons such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu were schooled.

The longer these rondavels remained neglected, the more they became vulnerable to vandalism and theft. As a result, the remaining four rondavels were also burnt down.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) conducted an oversight inspection at the Mamelodi Rondavels today as part of the DA Heritage Month Campaign. We were disappointed to discover that all the rondavels are in shambles. The facility is not fenced and, there is now a pedestrian route passing through the facility.

Please see the images here, here, and here.

The DA proposes that the Mamelodi Rondavels should be preserved as a development facility, such as an early childhood development centre and art gallery, to boost the local economy and empower residents.

The DA demands that the Gauteng MEC for Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation, Mbali Hlophe, should prioritise the budget to revamp this facility and save what is left on this heritage site.

Our heritage is our future which must be preserved and passed on to future generations. The DA will not allow this current government to destroy our heritage, hence we will fight to ensure that these sites are restored to their former glory.